Beginning Web Design
Class Materials
Semester Class Schedule
Keep up with weekly classwork and check in on future goals and assignments with the semester class schedule.
Overview of Web Design Terms & Resources
- Domain names, web design languages and other terms to know.
- w3schools
Week 1
Jan. 15
HTML & CMS for Website Design
HTML: the standard markup language for creating web pages
Content Management Systems: modern web design solutions
Add a webpage to this website!
Weeks 2-4
Jan. 22 - Feb. 7
How to Structure Your Website: Design and Plan Web Pages
Tips for organizing your website content
Plan website structure based on HTML best practices
Selecting templates for your project
Weeks 4 & 5
Feb. 5 - Feb. 14
Format Web Pages with Cascading Style Sheets & Templates
Introduction to CSS
Design Principles and Best Practices for Web & Mobile
Choose a template and begin to set basic structure and formatting for your website
Weeks 6-9
Feb. 19 - March 14
Publishing on the Web
Planning, Creating & Testing Your Website
Introduction to Accessible Technology
Copyright & Content Discussion
Search Engine Optimization​
Brief Overview of JavaScript
Weeks 8-12
March 7-April 11
Final project due April 12
Beginning Web Design at Burbank Adult School
This website serves as a hub for web design students to connect, learn, and share their knowledge. This site will offer a range of resources, including discussion forums, project showcases, and supplementary materials exclusively for our enrolled students.
Burbank provides quality computer literacy courses as part of the Adult School's mission is to provide high-quality design education and solutions that meet the various needs of our community.
Burbank Adult School classes are community-driven and aim to empower lifelong learners to reach their professional, personal, and family goals.